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LSPIC 2025 Call for Proposals

7th Linguistic Society of the Philippines International Conference (LSPIC 2025)

Pangasinan State University - Lingayen Campus

Lingayen, Pangasinan

Theme: Language through the ages, across the regions

Everyone is invited to submit their papers and posters falling under the following sub-themes:

  1. Philippine Languages and Cultures

    1. Description and Documentation of Philippine Languages

    2. Language Preservation and Revitalization

    3. Language and Culture

    4. Philippine English(es)

    5. Indigenous Languages and Cultural Communities

    6. Decolonization Practices in Philippine Languages and Cultures

    7. Southern Cordilleran and Pangasinan Studies

  2. Linguistic Analysis and Theoretical Studies

    1. Diachronic Linguistics

    2. Discourse Analysis

    3. Corpus Linguistics

    4. Tagalog/Filipino Linguistics

    5. Language Contact

    6. World Englishes 

  3. Applied/Interdisciplinary Linguistics

    1. Language and/in Gender Equality, Disability, and Social Inclusion (GEDSI)

    2. Sociolinguistics

    3. Psycholinguistics

    4. Forensic Linguistics

    5. Translation Studies

    6. Ecolinguistics

    7. Stylistics 

  4. Multilingualism and Diversity

    1. Bi-/Multilingualism

    2. Heritage Language

    3. Translingual Practices

    4. Multiculturalism

    5. Dialectology and Linguistic Geography 

  5. Language Education and Pedagogy

    1. Second/Foreign Language Teaching and Learning

    2. Language Policy Development, Implementation, and Assessment

    3. Language Education and Teacher Development

    4. Reading, Writing, and Literacy

    5. Language Testing and Assessment

    6. Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE)

    7. Educational Technology 

  6. Emerging Trends in Linguistics

    1. Migration Linguistics

    2. Educational Linguistics

    3. Language and/in Popular Media

    4. Artificial Intelligence and/in/for Language Education

To submit, click here.

For more info, check the conference website here.


The 7th Linguistic Society of the Philippines International Conference (LSPIC 2025) is happening on April 24-26, 2025 at PSU Lingayen Campus. This is jointly hosted by the Linguistic Society of the Philippines (LSP) and the Pangasinan State University - Lingayen Campus (together with the LGU of Lingayen, Pangasinan).


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