Email: LSPIC.official@gmail.com

This award is made possible through the generosity of Dr. Shirley N. Dita. Hence, the award seeks to inspire young scholars whose interests are in line with her fields of interest: Philippine languages, World Englishes, and Corpus Linguistics.
1. The proponent must be a bona fide LSP member;
2. The proponent must be currently enrolled in a Master’s or Doctoral program in any university in the country;
3. The proponent should be a registered presenter at the LSPIC.
Criteria for Judging
1. Relevance to Philippine linguistics (30%) (Based on the relevance of the study to the current literature on linguistics in the Philippines, specifically on the areas earlier mentioned)
2. Originality (30%) (Based on the Innovativeness of idea/concept of the paper and its theoretical and empirical contribution to the current literature)
3. Soundness of Argument (20%) (Based on the critical analysis of concept and findings and consistency of arguments)
4. Writing Style (20%) (Based on the quality of writing style in terms of accuracy, readability, and organization of the paper)
1. Proponents who wish to submit a paper for the award should be able to send the full paper by January 31, 2020 to linguisticsocietyphil@gmail.com (not lspic.official@gmail.com);
2. Submitted papers should strictly conform to the template prescribed by LSPIC2019 (see website);
3. Shortlisted entries will be informed before the LSPIC;
4. The selection committee will sit in the paper presentation of the shortlisted entries at the LSPIC Selection Committee:
The committee for the Award consists of the following:
1. The LSP President
2. The LSP Special Projects Director
3. The PJL Editor-in-Chief
4. An LSPIC invited speaker
5. An LSP lifetime member
The winner of the award will receive the following:
1. Ten thousand pesos (Php 10,000.00) in cash
2. Certificate of Recognition
3. Recognition in the LSP website and social networking sites
4. Publication in the PJL (subject to review)
The awarding will be done during the Closing Ceremonies of LSPIC2019.