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The Ma. Lourdes S. Bautista (MLSB) Lecture Series
  • Established to honor a distinguished linguist, researcher, teacher, mentor, collaborator, leader, and pioneer, whose vision and perspectives provided better ways of understanding and doing linguistics in the Philippines and beyond;

  • Established in April 2024 and is managed by the Department of English & Applied Linguistics (DEAL) and the Linguistic Society of the Philippines (LSP).



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Ariane Macalinga Borlongan

Tokyo University of Foreign Studies

World Englishes in the Age of Migration

April 27, 2024

10 AM to 12 PM

Natividad Fajardo-Rosario Gonzalez Auditorium, 18/F Br. Andrew Gonzalez Hall, De La Salle University, Manila

The modern world is constantly in motion; movement characterizes the contemporary society. The present times have thus been called ‘the Age of Migration’ (de Haas, Castles, & Miller, 2020). One in every seven people in the world is a migrant (International Organization for Migration, 2022). And migration has been the most important driving force in the spread of English around the world both historically and in the present times. The emergence of new Englishes is, by and large, a result of migration. It is potent to understand the phenomenon of the pluricentricity of a global language never seen nor imagined before in light of the equally unprecedented global movement of people today. In this article, I shall therefore account for the status, development, and role of world Englishes in contemporary migration. Varieties of English have a very important place in international migration flows and patterns and so it should be demonstrated how English is not only a language of migration and migrants but likewise a migrant language in itself. Yet migrants are not often fairly represented across varieties of English, as will be shown, in the words which refer to migration, the migrant, and migration-related concepts across Englishes. And it is truly necessary to point out how Englishes have become both a capital and commodity in migratory contexts. But migration likewise has ramifications for variation and change across Englishes and, subsequently, the development and evolution of Englishes worldwide. Fundamentally, in this article, I shall argue that migration is integral to the evolution of world Englishes and is part of the bigger process of development and social change.


Ariane Macalinga Borlongan’s education and experience across the world have inspired him to passionately work with English speakers in non-Anglo-American contexts and multilingual migrants in contemporary global societies. As a sociolinguist, he has analyzed variation, change, and standardization across Englishes and has investigated on the linguistic dimensions of human mobility, eventually conceptualizing a framework for doing migration linguistics and proposing a linguistic theory of migration. He was previously with De La Salle University and The University of Tokyo (Japan) and also held various visiting teaching and research posts at the Nanyang Technological University (Singapore), SEAMEO Regional Language Centre (Singapore), University of Bialystok (Poland), the University of Freiburg (Germany), Universiti Malaya (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia), and Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages (Kaohsiung, Taiwan). He edited Philippine English: Development, Structure, and Sociology of English in the Philippines, published by Routledge in 2023, which serves as the handbook of Philippine English and a festschrift in honor of Professor Bautista. He is Convener of the Research Network (ReN) for Migration Linguistics in the International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA). He is Section Editor for English and Migration for the Routledge Resources Online: English in the Real World. He is Consultant of the Oxford English Dictionary for Japanese English and migration-related words. He writes Language Speaks, a weekly column on various language issues relevant to the general public for The Manila Times. He is presently Associate Professor of Sociolinguistics and also Founder and Head of the Migration Linguistics Unit (MLU) at the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (Japan).

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