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The Bonifacio P. Sibayan
Distinguished Professorial Chair in Applied Linguistics
  • Established on February 1, 1991 and is managed in perpetuity by the De La Salle University Science Foundation, Inc. on behalf of the Linguistic Society of the Philippines, Inc.

  • Held annually, the BPS Professorial Chair was established to honor illustrious teachers, writers, scholars, school administrators, and above all staunch advocates of excellence by the Filipino to serve as a living model for the youth to emulate.


March 19, 2022

10 AM to 12 PM


Gina O. Gonong

Philippine National Research Center for Teacher Quality (PNRCTQ), Philippine Normal University

Languaging the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers

This lecture focuses on the linguistic foundations of the development of the PPST - how it was shaped through language using the shared knowledge, practices, experiences and aspirations of the profession while at the same time being cognizant of the evolving expected demands on teachers in the 21st century. The applied research work faced the challenges of capturing the diverse and unique characteristics of Filipino teachers as embodied in discourse, and providing an acceptable common language for the profession from initial training to acknowledged, outstanding practice through professional standards while addressing issues of teacher ownership and control.

The linguistic lends through which the qualitative data were analyzed used critical discourse analysis, semantic analysis, corpus-based content analysis for large text samples and lexical analysis. The qualitative data offered rich perspectives to explain the quantitative data that were analyzed using the Rasch Model. The three years of iterative development work on languaging the professional standards, involving numerous consultations with key stakeholders particularly teachers, resulted in a statistically robust and an operationally manageable model of teacher professional standards in the Philippines.

Gina O. Gonong holds a Ph.D. in Linguistics from the Philippine Normal University where she is currently and Associate Professor. She is the Director of the Philippine National Research Center for Teacher Quality (RCTQ). She was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Letters honoris causa by the University of New England in Australia and earned a post-doctoral fellowship for her leadership in research from the same university. She weas also granted an Australian Awards Fellowship.


Analiza Liezl Perez-Amurao

Mahidol University International College

They are 'Asians just like us': Filipino teachers, colonial aesthetics and English language education in Thailand

Filipino teachers have become the largest group of foreign teachers in Thailand as English language education gains increasing importance in the Kingdom. Their migratory experience, however, demonstrates that schools favor white native English speakers over them. Differential treatments of Filipino and white NES teachers in Thai schools are manifested overtly in the form of pay gap and in more subtle micropolitics of bodily managements. By examining a postcolonial view and the notion of English language teaching as aesthetic labor, this study puts forward the following: (1) Filipino teachers are generally found to experience overt discrimination in the workplace where their race and the variant of English language they produce place them as second–class foreign teachers compared to white native English speakers from Western countries, (2) Filipino teachers are expected to embody warm and caring personalities and present well–kept and beautiful bodies while their male native English speaker counterparts are exempted from the feminization of the teaching profession, (3) Thai schools construct themselves as venues where everyone—administrators, staff, students, and even parents—can experience the West through their literal physical proximity with western teachers, and (4) the identification of the main causes behind the inequitable occupational protocols in the employment practices of said Thai schools can help address the need to diminish, if not eliminate, the observed polarities between NES and NNES teachers.


Dr. Melchor Artago Coronel Tatlonghari

Professorial Chair Holder 2017

Minimizing "Otherization" Practices in the Language Classroom

Maria Antoinette C. Montealegre, D. A.

Professorial Chair Holder 2016

Language and Literature Teachers in the 21st Century Conversation: Inputs to  Designing a 21st Century Skills-Based Language and Literature Teacher Education Program


Nilda R. Sunga

Professorial Chair Holder 2014

Theory cum practice: A good blend in language teaching

Isabel P. Martin

Professorial Chair Holder 2013

Is justice lost in translation: Court interpreting in the Philippines

Gail Forey

Professorial Chair Holder 2012

Researching language as a meaning-making resource in the offshore outsourcing industry in the Philippines

Peter Craig Collins

Professorial Chair Holder 2011

Developments in the verbal system of Philippine English and other world Englishes

Nemah Hermosa

Professorial Chair Holder 2010

Across texts and beyond content: A closer look at reading comprehension

Diane E. Dekker

Professorial Chair Holder 2009

MLE in the Philippines – Possible implementation strategies

Dina S. Ocampo

Professorial Chair Holder 2008

Literacy development among Filipino children

Cecilia M. Mendiola

Professorial Chair Holder 2007

Online/offline processing of idioms by ESL learners

Dinah F. Mindo

Professorial Chair Holder 2006

The English language proficiency program of elementary school teachers in Region III

Lourdes G. Tayao

Professorial Chair Holder 2005

A Postcript to teacher training

Clemencia C. Espiritu

Professorial Chair Holder 2004

Edukasyong pangwika sa Filipino: Pagsulong at tunguhin

Ma. Luz C. Vilches

Professorial Chair Holder 2003

Managing innovation in language education: Implications for the change agent

Edilberta C. Bala

Professorial Chair Holder 2002

Meeting language testing needs of teachers

Br. Andrew Gonzalez, FSC

Professorial Chair Holder 2001

Language projects at DECS: Some insights through linguistic eyes

Ricardo Ma. Nolasco

Professorial Chair Holder 2000

Transitivity and ergativity in a Philippine language

Allan Bernardo

Professorial Chair Holder 1999


Ma. Clara V. Ravina

Professorial Chair Holder 1998

Error analysis and interlanguage revisited

Br. Andrew Gonzalez, FSC

Professorial Chair Holder 1997

The politics of language: Ethnicity and languages in the Philippines

Teodoro A. Llamzon

Professorial Chair Holder 1996

TESL targets in 1996

Araceli C. Hidalgo

Professorial Chair Holder 1995

Thoughts from the left on English language teaching

Emy M. Pascasio

Professorial Chair Holder 1994

Variables affecting the performance of second language learners in written English

Fe T. Otanes

Professorial Chair Holder 1993

Stylistics and the teaching of poetry

Ma. Lourdes S. Bautista

Professorial Chair Holder 1992

Classroom observation studies in a Manila university: Some lessons learned, some lessons yet to learn

Emma S. Castillo

Professorial Chair Holder 1991

Communication strategies in the classroom: State of the art

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